One of the biggest benefits of installing a heat pump is the heat pump air filtration that goes along with it. And, now more than ever, homes and offices across New Zealand are looking for new ways to increase their hygiene as we face uncertain times around the globe.

We always like to stress the importance of good air quality as we enter the colder months but there’s a significant difference in this year compared with previous years.

Filtering the air in your home helps to reduce the bacteria and viruses that we know exist. But there’s a new virus making its around the world and we’re all waiting with bated breath as we learn whether our efforts to reduce the spread of Covid-19 are actually working.

So, while the air quality has always been important in your home, this year, it’s more important than ever.

heat pump air filtration

Heat pump air filtration reduce airborne bacteria and viruses

Let’s cut to the chase. Heat pumps are so much more than just a heating and cooling device.

Unlike traditional heating methods, heat pumps cleanse the air as they work. In heating or cooling mode, heat pump air filtration is constantly running in the background while you enjoy comfortable temperatures.

When deciding whether or not to have a heat pump installed, the filtration system is not often the deal-breaker.

But, at times like these, we think it should be.

Heat pump air filtration is extremely effective in reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses at a time of year that we see larger outbreaks.

And now, with Covid-19 at our doorstep, it helps to know the air in your home is clean and free from other illnesses that could impact your immune systems when you need to be fighting fit.

The air that your heat pump delivers to you has already been filtered. Mitsubishi Electric’s filtration technology filters and deodorises the air, breaking down and neutralising harmful pathogens before delivering cleansed air to you.

For asthmas and allergy sufferers, heat pump air filtration has meant that the air they breathe isn’t putting any further strain on their condition.

Air quality is vital as we spend more time indoors

As we’ve seen around the world, the process of self-isolation is the most effective way to combat the spread of Covid-19.

We are now officially in lockdown for a minimum of four weeks. Hopefully, at the end of this period we can say we’re coming out the other side but, until then, we need to consider our home’s ventilation.

With more time spent indoors, ventilation is crucial. We need air to flow in our homes in order to keep fresh air coming in and stale air going out.

We know that ventilating your home in the winter is easier said than done. On a cold day, the last thing we feel like doing is opening up all the doors and windows.

The beauty of heat pump air filtration is that it will keep air rotating in the home, taking fresh air from outside and pumping it inside. This process allows you to keep the air in your home fresh and filtered on even the coldest days.

Heat pump air filtration helps in challenging times

We are all doing what we can to stay well and protect ourselves from the virus. Small acts like upping your personal hygiene and hand-washing will go a long way in reducing the spread of Covid-19.

While we are becoming increasingly aware of what we need to do, we also need to take a look at how clean our homes are.

We’re not just talking about the surfaces, we’re also talking about the air.

Good air quality reduces the number of harmful pathogens in the air.

Kiwi homes have the unfortunate reputation of being damp and mouldy due to poor ventilation. Heat pumps can improve your home’s ventilation and minimise airborne bacteria caused by mould.

At a time like this, we really need to do what we can to prevent illness from setting in and keep our immune systems as healthy as possible.

Heat pump air filtration will help you to do this.

We can’t stress enough how important it is to consider your home’s air quality in winter and, now more than ever, it’s something that we should all be taking a good look at.

Your home should be your safe haven.

It should be the place where you know your health will not be compromised. It should not be the place that compromises your health.

Coronavirus pandemic prevention wash hands with soap warm water and , rubbing nails and fingers washing frequently or using hand sanitizer gel.

As we head into winter, now is the time to think about having a heat pump installed. After our initial discussions, we’ll advise what heat pump model and capacity is right for your home.

Winter is on the horizon and we need to do all we can to stay healthy. Call us today to arrange a quote.

We care about the health and wellbeing of our customers and we sincerely hope that everyone is staying safe.

We’re all in this together and together, we will fight Covid-19.