Winter is coming, and with the extremes in weather becoming more pronounced due to climate change, this coming winter is set to be a particularly nasty one –  even more reason to think about heating your home now!

It’s time to invest in a heat pump to keep your family warm and dry in the coming months, but how do you know which heat pump to buy and how to get the most out of it?

The size, type, and placement of a heat pump can make a huge difference to your home, which is why we’ve put together this short article explaining your options.

What size heat pump do you need?

This is an oft-overlooked consideration, with people swinging wildly from one size to the other without really thinking about it.

Some people think the bigger the better, while others think a heat pump is a heat pump and they all do the same, so go for the smallest and cheapest option. Both these lines of thought are a mistake and can waste energy – careful consideration and advice from a heat pump expert is paramount when you are considering heating your home or commercial space.

A heat pump should be bought based on the size of the room it’s intended to heat. If it’s too small, then it will have to be on more often, which means higher electricity bills. If it’s too big, then the initial overture is offset by what you will save.

Whether you’re trying to heat a small living room, multiple rooms, or an open plan home, then a heat pump calculator should be used to decide on which size you need.

energy star rating

Heat pump efficiency

There is a simple way to see the efficiency of a heat pump; the energy rating label.

This is very handy if you’re trying to decide which models to buy. One may be more expensive than the other – but it may also be more efficient. This means you’ll save more money over time rather than the initial saving at the checkout.

The energy rating label is simple to read and understand. It’s based on a 5-star system, and the more stars an appliance has, the more efficiently it runs. On heat pumps, red stars indicate heating efficiency and blue stars indicate cooling efficiency.

Once a heat pump is installed, keeping it at maximum efficiency is also important. Regular cleaning and maintenance is recommended to keep everything running smoothly.

Other things to consider when heating your home

A heat pump can only do so much if your home isn’t designed to keep the heat in.

The most important thing when it comes to heating your home is having proper insulation. Good quality insulation will help trap the heat in your home, making it more comfortable, easier to heat up, and cheaper to run.

Hot air rises, so ceiling insulation is the first thing that should be looked at. If your home already has ceiling insulation, check that it hasn’t been damaged or moved during house repairs and that it is up to today’s standards.

If it’s possible, floor insultation should be installed next, and following that, wall insulation. Granted, both may be difficult to install in existing houses without ripping up floorboards or pulling down cladding, but if the option is there, say during renovations, then it should be seriously considered.

Apart from insulation, there are other ways to keep the heat inside during those biting winter months.

A good set of heavy curtains can act as a barrier to the outside, and should be pulled before it gets dark, trapping the heat in the home. On top of that, make sure all windows and doors are closed, using draft excluders to seal and gaps.

heating your home in winter

Need help with heat pumps?

A well-heated home is essential for a comfortable and healthy life.

As winter approaches, the nights get longer, and the weather gets wetter, keeping your family warm and dry is crucial.

A heat pump ticks all the boxes when it comes to heating your home. They are safe, easy to install, and cheap to run.

Picking which heat pump is right for you can be difficult, but we are here to help.

Talk to us today, and we can discuss which options are right for you and your unique situation.

The right heat pump in the right place can save you thousands of dollars in energy costs, not to mention keeping your family happy and healthy.