Heat pumps are a very popular choice for heating homes and commercial spaces when it comes to energy efficiency iency and save you money. Most of us are aware of that, but do you actually know… how much power does a heat pump use?

How much electricity your heat pump consumes will depend on many different factors from lifestyle, to the size of the heat pump and even the space being heated.

Tried and tested

The claims that heat pumps are an energy-efficient way to heat your home have been backed up by testing from the New Zealand Government agency the EECA (Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority).

Energy efficiency

Heat pumps have been tested by the EECA and are proven to be one of the most energy-efficient forms of heating in New Zealand.

How much power does a heat pump use?

Check the table below to compare the power usage between different appliances.

heat pump power use table

Source EECA – April 2018.

Lower running costs

The higher level of energy stars a heating system has – the cheaper it will be to operate.

Heat pumps are a big investment for people – but the long-term benefits definitely outweigh the initial costs.


Because the costs and energy use will be lower than other heating forms.

Smart technology

Modern technology is one reason heat pumps are so energy efficient and they are continuously improving.

The most common type of heat pumps in New Zealand work in a way called ‘air to air’ – which is simply transferring warm air from one space to another.

How do heat pumps work and how much power does a heat pump use?

Heat pumps use a refrigerant to absorb heat and transfer it via a fin or coil. The outdoor unit absorbs heat from the air and transfers it to the indoor unit – which then gets transferred around your home.

Because a heat pump is not creating heat – only moving it where it needs to go – means it doesn’t need a high level of electricity or power to run efficiently.

But there is more to this story – it’s not just about how a heat pump works and how much power it uses. But, what technology can help it run more efficiently and effectively.

For example, let’s take a look at the Mitsubishi Electric range of heat pumps that have a unique technology called ‘3D i-See sensor’.

It can tell exactly where the heat needs to be and how much – and no that doesn’t mean more energy consumption necessarily either.

i see technology

3D i-See Sensor – how does it work?

This intelligent sensor continuously takes a thermal scan of the room and splits it into an incredible 752 three-dimensional zones. It measures the temperature in each of these zones to detect exactly where people are in a room. It’s even clever enough to detect how hot or cold a person is. With the ability to detect the presence and position of people in the room, the 3D i-See Sensor adjusts the temperature and airflow to ensure everyone is comfortable. – Mitsubishi Electric

It’s not just about clever technology – that can help decide how much heat or cool air is needed in a room. It works in a way that is energy efficient and will save you money by using as little power consumption as possible – while not compromising on your comfort.

Two in one – heating and cooling

One very important consideration when choosing to install a heat pump is what you will need it for. Heating and cooling is one key feature of heat pumps.

It’s a better choice to buy one appliance than two appliances. Why?

It will cost you more money to purchase both and cost more to run.

Mitsubishi Electric has a great range of heat pumps that provide both cool and warm air into the required spaces in your home or commercial space.

 Heat pump capacity and size

Heat pumps work to move heat and not actually create it. For that reason, they have a high ratio of heat output to energy input – which works in your favour by using less energy consumption.

The correct heat pump capacity will depend on you. 

  • The space you are heating
  • Lifestyle
  • The type of home or commercial space
  • Insulation, flooring, and curtains can even play a part

So how much power does a heat pump use?

In comparison to other heating and cooling appliances really not a lot.

As we have explained it can depend on many different factors, including the type of heat pump you own or purchase. There are plenty of handy online tools to help you decide what heat pump may be right for your needs.

Heat pumps are one of the most energy-efficient ways to heat or cool your home. 

Want to find out more about heat pumps?

Heat pumps are a big investment for many people. We know and understand that. That’s why we have chosen to align our company with a trusted a reliable brand – Mitsubishi Electric. We only install the Mistubishi Electric range of products because we know they are energy-efficient systems. 

We have over 50 years of experience within our team, so we know a fair amount about heat pumps and systems.

Let us help you choose the best heat pump for your needs and home. Give us a call today to find out more about the range of heating and cooling systems. We are happy to help.